Jessie's Brook 2nd Ward

Please Sign up for Tithing Declaration!
(link below)


Find our live stream on YouTube for Sacrament Meeting Sunday Mornings
beginning at 12 PM!

September 15, 2024

We would like to get more of our members and youth using the Gospel Living App!
It has some great communication tools, that we can utilize for activities, announcements, etc!

When you sign in with your Church account, under the communications tab, you can join the circles which you are assigned through the church app!

Youth Baptisms for the Dead
Sept 17 & 26

Ward Temple Trip
Sept 28

Tithing Declaration

Write Away!


Bishop Mark's 5 - 10 minute talk topic idea
(For our Missionaries, or for those that might need it)

Sundays @ 2:45 pm

Service Opportunities

Wednesday, Oct 23
**see service page for more details and links!**
Please check out our service page for opportunities to serve!

We invite junior and senior-age youth to attend — Sophomore's and younger youth are of course welcome as well if they are interested in attending! 

Jessie's Brook 2nd Ward

Social media pages


*Please send any announcements to Leslie Bascom*

For Stake news, and to view Stake Conference, please visit
Dry Creek Stake News